Submitted 28 December 2000 , at 15:43:45

Lachlan MacLearn
Years: 84-86

Currently a Principal Technical Writer for Digital Goods, Inc., in Maynard, MA.   Now living in Bedford, NH.

Also recently launched Full Measure Music -- an independent music label ( concurrently with the release of my full length CD "Oblivion Ponies."  Featuring a guest track by David Crosby's lead guitarist jeff Pevar 9also of Carly Simon, Ricki Lee Jones, and Ray Charles fame).

the website features sound clips and full eCommerce/shopping cart capability.

Recently attended Greg Sullivan's ('85) wedding, with service performed by none other than Skye MacKenzie ('85) and sat with Jon Kely ('85).  A splendid time was had by all...

for the moment, that's all the news that's fit to print!


Submitted 25 December 2000 , at 17:25:41

John Parente
Years: 64-68

John Parente (Class of 1968) and Barbara Hoag (1964-1966; Amherst girls dorm) were married 01/18/69.
They currently reside at 4 Wild Laurel Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC. 29926
Phone = (843) 342-9273

Their daughter Suzanne is a graduate student studying Criminal jsutice at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC.

Any Alum coming to Hilton Head Island should feel free to give us a call.


Submitted 12 December 2000 , at 12:58:41

Steve Koplan
Years: 68-72

Since November 1, 2000 I've been the Circulation Librarian at the Dunwoody (northern Atlanta surburb) campus of George Perimeter College, a 2-year college in the state university system. Prior to that, I worked here as a reference librarian. The hospital where I worked in the library for 25 years was closed by the state in 1998 and after a detour (which I won't get into), I landed here and am very happy.

Besides general library work, I also do some teaching (internet and database searching) and serve on committees when asked. This has been a good way to restart my career. I feel ike a Phoenix rising up from the ashes.

By the way, seeing what today's kids are doing and learning in their English classes makes me appreciate what a great education I got at Windham.

Thanks, Rem, Hal, and Joan. Rest in Peace, Eric and Ron.

Steve Koplan '72


Submitted 10 November 2000 , at 18:13:17

Bob Konkel
Years: 76-78

Living in New Bedford, MA working as a child and family therapist. Summertime racing catamarans, winter snowboarding.

My son is managing a hotel on Nantucket. Email me if you want a discount at the Breakers' Inn.


Submitted 8 October 2000 , at 09:11:49

Celeste (DelTorto) Swierk
Years: 64-68

Hi- Just married both of my wonderful children this summer.  Have just spent the day with Regina and Bob Young and Martha Diebold in New Hampshire.

Would love to hear from any old Windy U's.  Alan and I live in Upper Montlcair, N.J.

Cheers, Celeste (Hi to Simmy)


Submitted 4 October 2000 , at 15:48:37

Andy Harris
Years: 72-76

I recently completed by Ph.D. in philosophy from Temple University on Wittgenstein. I am currently teaching as an adjunct at a couple of local colleges, doing on-line teaching, philosophical counseling, consulting, working on web based philosophy course materials, research, and hoping that a full time position will soon become available. It has been a long, circuitous route that has taken more than twenty-five years since my first philosophy class in 1972 with Richard Carter.


Submitted 25 September 2000, at 17:14:42

Lachlan MacLearn
Years: 71-73

Living in Beford, NH (115 Blanford Place / 03110)

Ended up graduating from Middlebury in '86 Cum Laude.

Principal Technical Writer with Softlock, Inc. a Dot.Com company.

Still making Music.  Released "Oblivion Ponies" CD this past
April on the Full Measure label.

Had a great time this past Sat. Night, at the Four Columns, with lots of old Windham pals - Frank Tardif, Skip Marquess, Sue Auslander, Susie Frishberg, Dana Mardini, Terry Knockel, John Rawley, Sue Apgar, et. al.


Submitted 24 September 2000 , at 08:00:01

Ginny Koslow-DiMola
Years: 66-70

FYI.......happy married (most days) for 29 years (to the same person)! I also enjoy the children (most days). Meredith, age 24 and Andrew, age 20. After graduating from UMASS/Amherst in '99, Meredith moved to San Francisco, where she works in a law firm...and plans to move back east to Boston...her dream is to enroll in the Kennedy School of public policy next year. Andrew has taken a less traditional path, he works two jobs serving pizza and coffee by day in North Carolina and is a starving musician by night, playing the stand up bass, as well as acting and singing...plans to move to NYC as soon as he saves up enough tips.

I on the other hand, do not live in San Francisco or No. Carolina...I reside near Boston weekdays and in Kennebunkport, Maine whenever I get the chance. I work at a small community college as an executive director for a federal grant servicing disadvantaged youth and I love it. Although, I am looking forward to changing paths soon. Exactly what, I am not sure...but change is in the air.

I still keep in touch with several Windham Alumni and am most proud to say, Sally Helies '70 and I have been "sisters of the heart" for over 34 years....thanks to our wonderful days at Windham, a lifetime ago.

To all the Alumni.....I hope life has treated you well!!


Submitted 22 September 2000, at 23:05:57

Michael Tillyer
Years: 71-75

a sculpture on installation till the end of September
Daily 10am-5pm Sunday 12-5pm

A.P.E. Gallery 2, Third Floor, Thornes 150 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts

Inquiries:  413-584-4323

also see:
and, search by artist 'Tillyer'


Submitted 22 September 2000 , at 17:44:33

Brad M. Bucklin
Years: 70-74

I am in Los Angeles and have been for the past twenty years. I was just back east a couple of weeks ago, but knew nothing of the reunion. I retrieved a lot of my Windham College stuff including all the Free Presses that I had articles in.

I run my own writing business and am a partner in a theatre on the west side.

I would love to hear from anybody who went to Windham during 1970 to 1974.


Submitted 13 September 2000 , at 08:10:04

Ken Lawrence
Years: 67-70

After twenty-three brief years at Aspen Publishers, Inc., I left the corporate womb to open my own business, New Latitudes Publishing Services. The independence and variety of work is great.

Waking up in the middle of the night wondering if I can keep roof over head is another issue. So far I have been voted employee of the week every week since the company opened. I take the entire workforce out for beers every Friday. May I add that the entire workforce fits on one bar stool.

Come visit See how tough the years have been on my mug.

Best to all,

Ken Lawrence


Submitted 6 September 2000, at 14:09:59

Perry Kacik
Years: 67-69

New wife, new job, new home --- I'm exhausted! (not really). After 32 years in Putney I've moved to Cape Cod (Bourne, just over the Sagamore Bridge) overlooking the Canal and loving it. In January 2000 I left the Executive Director's post at Vermont-NEA in Montpelier to become the NEA Northeast Regional Director, a member of the national organization's executive staff based out of our Braintree, MA office and traveling often to DC and the 9 Northeast state affiliates.

I finally finished my Antioch New England Master's program (and chumming with Barb Taylor!) with the Management and Org. Dev. Dept. and became MS'd in November 1999.

But the best news is my June 10th marriage to a wonderful PA Association field rep. named Joy Conley (now add Kacik) who has been a good friend for 10 years. Our long-distance marriage also finds us many weekends in Cranberry TWP PA, about 40 minutes north of Pittsburgh --- a great town I've discovered.

Nora (Longbottom, now Zellner, and still up the hill from the General Store) and my kids are all doing well --- Jeremy's (28) a senior at Marlboro College (VT), Drew (24) has returned to college at Keene State (NH) this Sept. as a junior and Andrea (22) is living in Phoenix, AZ working for Camelback BMW and loves the weather!

Although I still miss Putney and all my former friends and neighbors in town I found that life goes on with wonderful changes in store for us and by the grace of God. Now if we weren't just all getting so damn old!

Take care, my friends -- PK


Submitted 22 August 2000, at 17:42:27

Annie (Bolton) Richardson
Years: 72-75

what must be must be
if dogs run free, why can't we
cross the swooping plane of time?....
oooo oooo ooo oo
three kids 21,20,16
mad cool husband together 24 years
workin.    still believe that the revolution will not
be televised.
Christ is the key.
In him is the fullness of God.
I ain't ashamed of the Gospel, it's perfect peace.
lots to say on that subject but prefer to live it.
lived in Japan 3 years.
had my kids natural last two at home.  wut else?
gettin old in the body
yet the spirit is mighty.
it's good to be old and wise, eh?
mad love to mah peeps - peace out w/o shout!


Submitted 20 August 2000, at 07:51:15

Robert M. Kern
Years: 1970-73

Since getting my M.S. in Special education in 1998 from Long Island University (I'm now dually certified in both that AND English), I've become a "Home and Hospital Instructor" for the Yonkers Board of Education, where I live---Yonkers, New York.  Thus, I am not a teacher in a classroom per se, but I tutor those students who, for one reason or another, are not currently enrolled in a school program.  I also do the same thing for the neighboring New Rochelle Board of Education, but I don't put in as many hours with them as I do for Yonkers.   After all, Yonkers is where I currently reside, so it's more convenient.

Even though this kind of work does not offer pay benefits---it is strictly per diem---it is SO much better (and less stressful) than having to control a whole classroom of 30 or so students at one time!  I know of whence I speak, as I had to student teach regular classes as part of my curriculum certification in graduate school.


Submitted 20 August 2000, at 07:42:57

Robert Werthmann
Years: 68-72

Hi, I'm married (12 years) have lovely wife and 2 daughters, 8 & 11.

Looking forward to hearing from others.


Submitted 16 August 2000, at 14:45:03

Jonathan Jacobs
Years: 69-73

Hello to all of you.    I'm pretty amazed that there's an alumni assoc.

Would like to hear from anyone who knows me.

Jon Jacobs


Submitted 11 August 2000, at 18:44:00

Fleming Meeks
Years: 1970-74

I live in Montclair, New Jersey.  Am married to Elinor Schull Meeks.   Have two children, Henry (5) and Samuel (2).  I work as an assistant managing editor at Barron's.

Life is good.


Submitted 11 August 2000, at 16:15:21

Walter Goodrich
Years: 68-72

Married 1 daughter age 20, celebrating 25 years as owner of Goodrich's (retail jewelry store).

new correct address:       9 Chandler Street,
                                           Houlton Maine 04730


Submitted 11 August 2000, at 12:45:00

Howard Heda

Hi, I live at 1234 Rosa Drive    Monroe, N.C. 28112

I've been living in the Carolinas for about 12 years now.   I currently fly as captain for US AIRWAYS onthe B-767 aircraft.

Woudl love to hear from some of my old friends.   Thanks very much.


Submitted 9 August 2000, at 17:20:06

Ken Lawrence
Years: 67-70

I left Aspen Publishers, Inc. last summer after twenty-three years.  I am now in charge of my very own one person company, New Latitudes Publishing Services.   Enjoying the independence!

Damn!  My wife actually is eligible to retire (holy cow) from teaching in Fairfax County, VA in two years.   Really makes me feel young.

Our daughter Anne graduated from U.VA in 1999.   She works for a consulting firm in Washington, DC specializing in financial services for banks and insurance companies.

I am happy to have stayed in touch with a number of my Windham buddies, especially the Amherst House crew.

Peace and health to you all.



Submitted 21 May 2000 , at 18:40:39

Carol (Shopay) Delgado
Years:  '68

Talked to Rick Gebelin and he advised me of Windham's website...hope this note finds you well.

Have worked around the country quite a bit and ended up in the Boston area for the past fifteen years, so add both our names Ralph (Woody) and Carol (maiden name = Shopay) to the list of alumni.

I graduated in '68 (wow, a lot of years have passed).

Thanks, take care.
