Submitted 3 December 2001 , at 19:59:12

Thomas Nelson
Years: 73-74

Hi!...I was at Windham from 73-74, not long but long enough for good memories.

There are people I think about all the time from this period...anybody know about the following...I have old photos and would love to send and share them...Do you know:   Howie Blank, Mary Romano, Sussane Nuban, Debbie Friedman, Dale Cohen... please let me know.

Thanks.  Tom


Submitted 5 November 2001 , at 00:37:23

Ed Matys
Years:  68-70

Living in Ventura County, CA near the Reagan Library.

ex editor Free Press/Lion's Roar

Founding publisher, Valley, Hartford, New Haven, Fairfield Advocate newspapers and Syracuse New Times etc. etc.


Submitted 4 November 2001, at 15:42:36

David Cherdak (Lynn)
Years: 68-70

Los Angeles sends its greetings.  I am married for 28(!!) years to Edie; we have a son, Zack.  Enjoying my law practice, actually helping out from time to time, and even making a few dollars once.

Sorry I missed the September 2001 reunion and I thank Marc Brennan for letting me know of the  I hope I receive a newsletter (is there one?) Does anyone send it out?)  Please communicate if and when . . . Best to all, David.


Submitted 4 November 2001, at 12:04:00

Marc Brenman
Years: 68-69

Marc Brenman lives in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC with his wife and two kids.   He works as the Senior Policy Advisor for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Transportation.

He still writes poetry and buys too many books.  He values his time at Windham for teaching him to write fast, as editor of The Lion's Roar/FreePress; for the friends he made there (some of whom he is still in touch with); and for the introduction to Vermont and the deep country.  

Windham was an unusual place in time, a great way to hide out at the tail end of the '60s, and yes, even learn a lot.  It also taught him he doesn't want to live someplace cold again...Between Windham and 2001, Mark lived in Northern Vermont, Northern California, and the Boston area, going to grad school and working for the fed. govt.

Marc would welcome hearing from other Windhamites.


Submitted 27 October 2001, at 21:28:44

Douglas Dodd
Years: 68-70

Crawled out of Putney in May of 1970, Kent State, and never looked back.   B.S. from UNH in 1974.  I am now building houses mostly in Dover, NH area and am living in North Berwick Maine as I have been for 25 years, egad.

I often think about Windham and whether it was a true college experience.   We had a basketball team, they were actually pretty good, and I played soccer one year.   I also remember some girl streaking across the lawn, topless, so I guess it was a true college experience. Also Johnny Stones was always trying to catch us smoking pot.   He never did.  Also John Irving was teaching there back then with only one published book.   So yes I guess in our own way we made Windham a true college experience.

Where is Phillip Cahill?????????????????


Submitted 21 October 2001, at 00:33:54

John Cahan
Years: 70-74

It is nice to see so many from a great past.  What a shame that an administration's poor decisions and lack of listening to our founder brought Windham to its demise.  Those that knew the place knew a good thing.   But, alas, I am no longer working for WCRS or the editor of the newspaper when a Winslow's decision to advance the building program brought him down and a politician in to finish our insititution off.

Today, I manage a trucking terminal for ABF Freight System in Washington, DC.  But I did return to vermont for 10 years from 1985-1995, and enjoyed another life in Putney.  It was during this time I married Hilary Colt (whose mother I learned later worked in the Windham cafeteria) and had my children Abraham (11) and Rebecca (10).  I made some very nice new friends and became reacquainted with some old ones.  When I left Vermont in January 1996, I became the District Sales Manager for ABF in Baltimore, where my family and I still reside.

It was good re-acquainting with B. Pratt and getting her connected to this web site.   I would like to hear from some other old friends and hope to see them here (Ed Jordan, Richard Hayward, Peter Horton).  A couple of old friends that I used to know have passed away (Bruce Hammerslaugh and Daryl Baskin--both of whom I enjoyed chess and other games with).  I saw Steve Anderson when I was living back in Vermont and Jonathan Irving I hear is in Baltimore at Hopkins.  I never took a course from him and do not know him, but do remember playing football with him in the quadrangle.

Thanks to Barb Taylor and her helpers for this website and keeping Windham alive.   The shell is another school oh so different, but the heart still lives in the town of Putney.  How about the General Store outliving our College? Such is the way of this world.  Peace to all.

e-mail: or

Submitted 20 October 2001, at 11:28:39

Carol Kelly
Years: 72-74

Sorry to have missed the 50th party.  I too think back on some great times at Windham.  Living in a farm house, walking to classes, hanging out at the Putney Inn.

I would love to hear from anyone who might have remembered me.  I am still very close with my old roommate Daryl Hasting.

Also anyone in the Boston area . . .

Carol Kelley


Submitted 7 October 2001, at 20:15:49

Vito Gadaleta
Years: 71-75

Some thirty years have passed since I entered the hallowed halls of Windham and Chumley Dorm.   After graduation I returned to Neptune and began a career in banking which lasted just three years, mergers became vogue.  I began a new career in municipal government and presently serve as Clerk-Administrator for the Boro of Allenhurst.

I still volunteer as a firefighter/EMT and along with other units from NJ, spent a heartwrenching 24 hours at "ground zero," two days after the WTC attack.  I was saddened by the death and destruction, and at the same time I was never so moved by the kindness of Americans as when our team entered NYC through the Holland Tunnel to the applause and cheers of some one thousand New Yorkers, who welcomed us to their city.  For 24 hours they treated us as family and friends.  It was an exprience I will not soon forget.  It is gratifying to see America come together as one, but we should not allow complacency as time moves on.   As Bruce Sotto said, pray for all who were affected by this tragedy and stand together as Americans now and forever.


Submitted 4 October 2001, 09:10:39

Tony Townsend
Years: 73-76

Stayed in Vermont after graduation in '76 and worked at a bunch of jobs (Overseas Auto Parts, WKVT, Antioch/New England Grad School) before mvoing to Virginia in 1984.   Been in Charlottesville, Va at the University of Virginia as a computing support bureacrat ever since.

Still married happily to Judy (Klein) Townsend, Windham '76 with no kids and a succession of dogs.

More extraneous details at:


Submitted 27 September 2001 , at 17:03:38

Barbara Pratt
Years:  71-75

Hi. John Cahan called me two years ago and told me about this site. At the time, I was an Associate Academic Dean at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire. Life was so crazy with that job that I am just now logging into this site for the first time! I resigned this past July to stay home, raise golden retrievers, enjoy our lake front home in northern Vermont, teach college biology on-line, and slow down....

I'm married to a chemistry professor who teaches at Lyndon State college in Lyndonville, VT. We'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this Halloween. My step daughter, Ellen (age 25) just got married and my stepson, Jason, will be celebrating his 30th birthday at the end of this month.

Thanks to John for remembering me and telling me about how to make connections with Windham folk.


Submitted 24 September 2001 , at 21:11:52

Peter Bullock
Years: 71-73

Lived in Connecticut and Long Island for a few years after graduation; been living in upstate New York (Oswego) since '81.

Pam and I (remember the Wedding, thanks to Carl Fitz). Have two children: Jason, 26, is the Lighting Designer for 311, now on tour; Heather, 21, is taking a year or so off from school and bartending.

We drive through Putney every few years, still enjoy Curtis' BBQ chicken, and the memories of two wonderful years.


Submitted 24 September 2001, at 12:50:58

Amy Speiser Vaughan
Years: 70-75

Filling in my graduation date was tricky - I sort of graduated twice. 1974 and 1975. I was an Art major and I repeated my senior year because I was in an accident.

I am now living in Virginia with my 8-year-old son. Got divorced this summer from a former high school sweetheart.

I am still in touch with a few old friends from Windham: Debbie Kasper, Valerie Creager (Tilford), Sharry Manning, Marilee (Cavanaugh) Tuomanen and a few others.

I'm trying to jumpstart a second career but haven't decided what I want to do yet. I was in film and television production in L.A. from 1978-84. Then I moved back to the Washington, DC area and became a secretary. I went back to school to become a teacher---which I completed in 1992 but I had a baby instead and haven't taught yet.

I'm not really computer literate so I hope this gets into the website. Bye


Submitted 18 September 2001, at 13:52:28

Chuck Hutin
Years: 61-65

Hi fellow grads of Windham.

After graduation, I joined Xerox Corp and spent 30 years before retiring in December 1995. Spent 40 years as a bachelor before marriage to my beautiful wife Marlena. Have 3 grown children. Sandy who works for Xerox, Charles who is a senior at Vanderbilt, and Chris who is a junior at the University of Texas at Austin. Marlena and I divide our time between Dallas, TX and Destin, FL, where we have a house and condos on the beach.

Would love to hear from anyone. My home address is : 7210 Crooked Oak Dr., Dallas, TX, 75248. Telephone (972) 931-5259.

Note: my e-mail is a Mail Station, not a computer, so I can only receive the written word---no pictures or graphics.


Submitted 17 September 2001, at 11:38:38

Taffy Holvenstot
Years: 71-74

I live in northwestern New Jersey and have been a real estate broker for 22 years. I have a five-year-old daughter (Gina) and am married.

I stay in touch with Tony Rea (he lived in Amherst while I lived in Pinkham across the street!)


Submitted 14 September 2001, at 22:18:10

Gary Gobeli
Years: 71-76

Married in 1997. Two beautiful children: Branden James (2 1/2) and Ashley Meagan (6 months). Currently living in Phoenix, AZ.


Submitted 14 September 2001, at 14:33:01

Bruce Scotto
Years: 70-73

Now I know what a soldier feels who's been exposed to battle. September 11th changed the lives of every American in our great land. And for thousands like me, who witnessed it first-hand, we will carry those horrific images with us throughout our days. Along with a vast business community in lower Manhattan, I was evacuated from my office at 14 Wall Street, just 4 short blocks from what the news media now refers to as "Ground Zero." As I made my way toward mid-town and safety I saw Tower-1 of the World Trade Center collapse before my eyes. I was at Chambers Street and Broadway, less than a quarter mile away when it fell. The enormity of it could not be compared to any life experience I nor anyone has known. Yet just twenty or thirty minutes later the collapse of Tower-2 hit us like a news instant replay.

But of course this was not a television broadcast I was watching. It wasn't a DVD. Nor was it a Hollywood movie. It wasn't a computer game and I wasn't in some high-tech theme park. This was WAR. I saw it, I heard it and I smelled it in all its distructive power. And now we as a nation know how war feels when fought on our soil. Like everyone, I've spent the last three days grieving with friends and neighbors who have experienced tragic losses and feel such enormous pain and sorrow. And in our hearts there is also a vast capacity for anger. We all have this deep gnawing rage and questions that can not be answered. We all need time to mend our souls from this emotional scarring.

Please pray for all who have experienced the sudden and unbearable despair this catastrophy has wrought on our lives. Help us all come together as one and heal.


Submitted 4 September 2001 , at 07:47:00

Richard Gordon
Years:  '66

I can't believe it has been 30 plus years since we were in school.   I hope the years have been as good to you as they've been to me.

I've been in Calif. for over 24 glorious years and this year I've retired from the Govt. and now I hope to move further west and end up in Hawaii.  I love the sun, heat and beaches so much that I have decided that is where I am most happy and if I can afford it I will make the move there.  A far cry from Vermont and rigid winters.

My youngest son will graduate in two years and that will be just enough time for me to set up in Hawaii.

Sorry I won't be able to make the reunion, but Sept's are bad months for me.

Rick Gordon


Submitted 2 September 2001, at 10:59:39

Al Lindquist
Years: 63-67

Recently retired from teaching.  Now full time financial services. Two full-time jobs was a bit much.

Two children: Mac who lives in Upton, MA; is on the trading desk of Putnam Investments in Boston; married to Danielle, who has become our third child.    Mora our youngest lives and works in San Diego. She is a registered nurse who works for a firm doing hospice intake.  We spend time with her during our numerous visits and when she is here for holidays and time on the Cape.

Still living in Washington, DC and see no reason to leave. Too much to do here and my business keeps me very busy.  Doris is working for a large private pediatric practice. Just a mile from home so commuting is a breeze. Recently visited friends in Paris. My son and friends traveled to Italy yesterday. We do enjoy travel and hope to be in Germany for a few weeks early in '02.


Submitted 18 April 2001, at 13:08:15

David Hughes
Years 73-74

Have been a Social Worker for 25+ years with the state of New Hampshire.   Doing research project for when I retire.

Was married twice, have 4 great kids:  Ben,22; Chris, 18; Abe, 16; & Liz, 13.  Now living the self-supportive clean life in the White Mountains.  Live in Chocorua, N.H. and work in Laconia, N.H.

Have heard from a sporadic few from Windham, missed past 2 reunions.   Would love to hear from other Canaanites, like Steve Koji, Joe Bernard, Ed Stroud, Christine Rollins-Pfoh, or the other Pinocle Crew.

Getting older makes one reflect and wonder how did the others fair in life?   Still into firefighting and EMS, but take time for music.

I see Ben Williams at Horsefeathers once in a while.


Submitted 30 March 2001 at 16:04:32

Judith Karlen
Years: 70-73

After graduating from Windham College, I went on to become a nurse.  I have been keeping young working in the Darmouth College health services for the past 11 years.  I am a divorced mother of 4 great kids - Ryan graduated from Princeton last year;  Abby is a junior at Wellesley although is currently studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh;  Tyler is a senior at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA;  and Sarah, 12 years old, is still living with me.


Submitted 28 March 2001 at 13:47:59

Eric Gebelein
Years: 65-69

Hi - I'm out in Washington state now - it seems that once I came here post grad school, I forgot to go back home.    I was a psychologist, but have now retired.

Recently I have published a book.   The publisher wants me to do a book signing in every place I spent some time, so I suppose that the 4 years at Windham qualify as some time.   Are there bookstores in Putney or Brattleboro, so I can let the publisher know?   They'll set up likely in late summer/early fall -- I do not want to be in VT in the winter, which has become featured on the evening news nearly every night this year!   For those of you who are interested, the book's website is:

I'm glad to have found this website & am thankful to the individual(s) who took the initiative to set this up.
Regards, Eric Gebelein


Submitted 27 March 2001 at 16:58:59

Dave Shirley
Years: 67-70

Well, a lot of water has passed under the proverbial bridge since my youth at Windham.  Too much history to recount in any detail.   But here's a thumbnail:
     1971 -- waited around May to "officially" graduate - worked for VT Yankee, married 1st time (no children)
     1971-1975 -- Public Health in NJ
     1976-1981 -- Bay Harbor Marina, Long Beach Island, NJ, Bonefish Harbor Marina, Florida Keys - divorced
     1981-now -- AT&T/Lucent (yes, still hanging in, just a few years from retirement) - MBA - Project Director - remarried (no children)

That bring us to today - living in the New Hampshire Seacost Area and see Burt Cohen occasionally, especially at the polls.  Married (1983) to Judi, two golden retrievers, Kasey and Chelsea - commuting to North Andover, MA - Judi works for Shaw's Supermarkets which just bought some of the Vermont Grand Unions - maybe spend some more time in VT - also have a house outside of Manchester, VT, where we don't go as often as I like.

Would love to hear from alumni - As a matter of fact, I have been in touch with Donald (Mac) Hines, but recently lost touch - trying to get back in touch if anyone knows his whereabouts - Also would like to hear from Ann Scudder and Donna Spadafora.


Submitted 19 March 2001, at 11:06:10

"Gus" (Gonzalo) Sanabria
Years: 66-70

Two marriages....four children....2 boys, ages 9 and 12....two girls, ages 27 and in Miami....dedicated to real estate since I left Windham....still enjoying life and really content to have made contact with Windhamites once again....thank you all!!!!


Submitted 15 March 2001, at 15:00:30

Christina Bellinger (Stewart-Gordon)
Years: 1971-1975

Hi, I got my MSLS from Simmons College in 1978 and began my career in libraries. I am the Head of the Cataloging Unit at the University of New Hampshire. I've been here since 1991. I also do a little teaching.

This summer I am going on sabbatical to organize the papers of Lowell's Boat Shop, the oldest continually active boat shop in the U.S. (also intend to learn to row and enjoy being on the river for a summer, of course).

I married Alex in 1979 and we have lived happily ever after. We have live in Newburyport, MA since 1987 and have stayed.

Every chance I get I do pottery, go running, ski, and bike. We have done the AIDS ride (250 miles from Boston to NYC) and the MS ride from Boston to Provincetown. We will be doing that one again this year. Last year we biked the East Coast of Tasmania. We hope to bike in Nova Scotia this fall.

I often wonder what happened to many of the people from Windham.  Especially Doug Woods and Barton Parks.  I had dinner with Lachlan a month or so ago, and caught up with a few people.   It would be nice to hear from people.


Sumitted 13 March 2001, at 09:37:04

Linda Houser
Years: 69-73

I am currently Branch Manager of the Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company's New City Branch - Rockland County New York.

I have been in the Title insurance business for the last 20+ years.

Still have Windham people as great friends!

Looking forward to hearing from fellow Windhamites!


Submitted 9 March 2001, at 10:55:40

Dr. Charles "Chuck" Ratté
Years:  Geology Faculty from 1963-76

VT State Geologist 1976-1991.   Visiting Professor of Geology at the U of Kentucky 1991-1993.  Now living on Martha's Vineyard, P.O. Box 3446, Oak Bluffs, MA   02557


Submitted 19 February 2001, at 06:13:17

Jerry J. Abitbol
Years: 62-68

So I read the Windham College alumni news while browsing.  It stirred good ole memories of my times in Putney with all my class mates.  Time has sure flown by but Windham has always been on my mind.

Now I am established in Tuscany where my wife and I have bought a house with land in the hills of Tuscany.  Life is truly enjoyable here.

Would love to be in touch with all of you and make part of the Association.   Please contact me and let's start.

All my best.     Jerry Abitbol, '68


Submitted 18 February 2001 , at 14:53:29

Karl Horne
Years: 70-72+

Living in Seattle.  Have gone through a number of careers, etc.   Presently a high voltage electrician for the local utility.  Still an artist/metaphysician/old hippie at heart.

My stint at WC was pivotal in my life and I miss the landscape, life and friends of those days dearly.

Anyone living or travelling to Seattle please give me a yell!!


Submitted 16 February 2001 , at 09:35:24

Gail Patricia Emery -Hebb -McIntire
Years: 66-70

In 1971 I was married to Peter M. Hebb.  He passed away in May 1999.

I will be marrying a wonderful man this year, he is Steven McIntire.  We will be living in Brattleboro, VT.

It would be nice to hear from anyone who knew me.


Submitted 23 January 2001 , at 13:09:45

Penny (Brennan) Lawton
Years: 67-71

I am originally from Alex., Va but ended up in Long Island, NY (employment). Got my MSW from St. Louis U. in 1974. Moved to LI in 1975 where I met my husband James Lawton. We have recently relocated to Charlotte, NC.

We have two children: Patrick, 22 and he lives in Centereach, NY and Sally, 18, feshman at Mary Washington College, Frederickburg, Va.

Very happy in our new environment. Just bought a home which we will move into in March. My mailing address is: Box 472454, Charlotte, NC 28247


Submitted 8 January 2001, at 16:37:27

Peter J. Caffera
Years: 58-59

Actually I am the son of an attendee of Windham College. I am looking for people who knew Carmine J. Caffera while he was at Windham in the late 1950's. I believe that he studied Medical Technology.

At some point, perhaps 1958 (does anyone know?) he was on a committee that planned a dance called "Fantasy in White." I have pictures from that event and a picture of the planning committee. I am interested in talking to anyone who served on the planning committee (Edward Palattella, Walter Foster, Gates Porter, Edward Olsen, Susie Varsa, Robert Sposa, Helene Sash, and Arthur Allen, Jr.) and anyone who knew my dad while he was at Windham.

In particular, I am interested in hearing from anhyone who can tell me more about what in our family lore has come to be known as "The great chicken incident."

I can be reached at and at 716-223-7636.


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