Ken Mayberg
Years: 77-78
Currently a teacher in Trenton, NJ
Lisa Grenadier Connor
Years: 68-71
Was at Windham in the late sixties. What a time it was.
Live in Southport, CT, not far from where I grew up. Went to law school and practiced for a while in NYC. Married with one child, age 13. Husband is a writer.
Active in volunteer work (i.e., Dress for Success) an organization that provides interview appropriate clothing for needy women entering the job market; also job support, etc. It's a great organization now worldwide.
Probably going back to work at least part time soon (if there is a job market).
Mark E. Block
Years: 68-70
Tah, well, I am thrilled that there IS a website, saddened that there is no Windham College today, relieved that there is not incessant Alumni giving hand-outstretched, but still there IS a Windham, even if in our memories...
My existence is confirmed, if only to whose who lived in Putney in the acid-soaked late 60's... Furthermore, to those who remember the Baha'i Community at Windham, there are lots of us still active in the nation. Gregory West, Dalton Garis, Janet and his ex-, Janet Schoen Homnick, now Janet Ruhe...
Mark E lives in Nashville, TN, has been in the insurance business sinced 1972, continuously, though I did try to make a go of it in Vermont in it's been thrity years...selling insurance and making a decent living at it.
Come this Christmas Eve, I shall be getting married to Marjorie Jean Stanford, in Des Moines, and then, after a frigid stay in Iowa, shall return to the slightly warmer clime of Tennessee.
I do wish more of those who lived in Putney and passed through the not-so-hallowed halls of Windham. Would show up and say "Hi!", but I will have to suffice it to say, we are only responsible for ourselves... so here I am, and where are YOU?
Mark (looking for Joe Cannon, Linda Colin, Carl Vinas...)
Howie Kaplan
Years: 69-73
After 26+ years in the plastics industry, I am now teaching 7th grade math in Perth Amboy, NJ. I love it!!! It's like working and being retired at the same time!!!! Only 180 working days (if you don't count 13 sick and personal days, snow days, other misc. 1/2 days).
Tell my mom that the M.Ed. from Antioch has finally paid off!!
Frank Johnson
Years: 75-77
Married Maureen Elaine Miller from my hometown of North Babylon, NY in October 1980. We are proud parents of four sons: Timothy, 20; Terahl, 18; Tyler, 17; and Torrance, 14. The two oldest now attend college.
Relocated to Oak Park, IL, a suburb of Chicago, in 1986. Oak Park is the home of Ray Crock, Earnest Hemingway, and Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect who, as we all recall, designed the Windham campus.
I work in the Finance Department of the University of Chicago Hospital, the premiere hospital in the Chicago area, and Maureen is a dental hygienist. We are active in the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, where I am one of the local elders. Chicago is a beautiful city and Oak Park is a wonder community.
Think of the good old days at Windham often. Warm greetings to all.
Sorry I did not make it to reunion '01, but with the events of 9/11 only just a few weeks earlier I needed to be at home with my EMS colleagues. I have been a volunteer with the local ambulance corps for over 20 years and we were mobilized on 9/11 to respond to the disaster. Though I did not actually get close to the actual site, I was still deeply affected by the attack. And as it turned out, I knew people directly affected by the events.
I still live in my hometown of Ramsey, NJ and in the same house for over 26 years.
For the past 20 years I have been working in the billing dept. of a large home care (visiting nursing) agency. At times work is trying but mostly I still like my job.
Hope to hear from former Windhammites and/or see you at the next reunion.
Lisa (Grenadier) Connor
Years: 68-71
Have been reading the bulletin board and most of you I don't remember but ... I have spoken to Bobbie Gordon...she's in Florida and has been for awhile.
I too saw the piece about Art Sackler's dad. He was quite a wealthy philanthropist. I can't imagine Art would have been his executor but who knows.
Any news of Bruce Branson, Bill Nelligan (is he really dead?). I last saw Mona Jimenez in the late 70's. She came through Connecuticut where I live and we hung out for a day. She had a son named Arlo.
I have a funny story about a Chuck Ginniver sculpture in Westport, CT---too long to tell here.
Regina Young
Years: 65-69
I am sitting here withMargot Weiner and Arlene Hill and Bob Young...Where are you?
Eli Zimmerman, Albert Goodwyn,JOANNE LEGARE, Marilyn Lusthause, Larry Barnett, Archie Bricker, Paul Wexler, Alan Brown, Bob Polcari and on and on and on.....
Michael Morello
Years: 1999-2000 (Landmark College)
Hey Windham alumni. Although I didn't attend Windham College I did attend its successor Landmark College and just graduated in May.
I am currently a student at SUNY Oneonta majoring in political science.
I have always had interest in Windham College and would love the chance to get to know some of you. I would love to share my Landmark stories and would love to hear stories of your days on the campus.
Peace Out all, Michael
Ray Mannino
Years: 67-70
I was surprised and pleased to find this site. Any school that would have Question Mark and the Mysterians at homecoming and be part of the Great American film classic "What do you say to a naked lady" would never be forgotten.
After graduating, I taught in the NYC public school system and was going for my M.A. @ the New School but DNF budget cuts forced me to look elsewhere for employment and I have been in the apparel industry ever since.
I have lived in VA, TENN, and have been in Greenville, SC since 1982. It's located between Charlotte and Atlanta right off of I-85.
I would like to hear from other Windhamites.  My office phone number is 864-638-5803. Y'all give a shout, ya'hear!
Dana Merydith Winkler
Years: 70-74
Just found out about this website from Gailann Greene and am amazed and excited! I have Steve Koji's address in CA but not on me (don't have my own computer). Been thinking of the Canaanites--David Hughes, I remember you! Wasn't it your room in hendricks we used to watch Star Trek? I saw Joe Bernard and Rob Moorhead in the 80s but I haven't heard from them and don't have their current addresses.
I was down in NYC massaging rescue workers after 9=11 (I've been a professional massage therapist since 1977); it was an honor.
Hang in there, please, and let me hear from you and anyone else. Thanks and much love to you all.
Britt Newhouse
Years: 73-76
Diane Macari and I were married in 1977 and have two teenagers, Allison 17 and Andrew 16. We live in Summit, NJ. I work in the reinsurance business in NY for a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan Cos.
My office was on the 52nd floor of Tower Two WTC. I was in the building on September 11 and still on 52 when the second plane hit. I walked down and out to the Hudson river and got on a boat just as Tower Two came down. Close call.
We haven't been back to Putney for too long. We both had some wonderful times there. Remember Widespread Depression?
Bob Werthmann
Years: 68-72
Hi, friends.. Still married, still living in Northern NJ.. Looking forward to hearing from others around NY/NJ area.. Anyone ever hear from Linda Berkman?
Recently have heard from John D'Addio, Frederique Kinn-Poinsenet..
Please write soon..
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