Submitted 21 December 2010, at 09:07:36

Marc Brenman
Years: 68-69;  Class of 1969

Retired from federal and state government, now living in Maryland and Washington State.

Guilty of changing the name of The Lion's Roar to the Windham Free Press. Probably not the worst thing I ever did...

Still working in the social justice field, writing books and short stories, teaching and consulting.

Google me for more info.

Recently: (example)


Submitted 16 December 2010, at 02:25:03

Glen C. Anderson
Years: 70-74;  Class of 1974

I am living in the burbs of Dallas, Texas.

Still perfecting my set building skills.

Would love to hear from any classmates.

Be well, my friends.


Submitted 7 December 2010, at 19:30:20

Bob Massa
Years: 74-76

It was a long time in the past...

Now living at the Jersey Shore amidst the salt water and Nor'eastrn storms...

Married 32 years to my high school sweetheart...Raised three kids and put them through college...They have all bought into the "American d ream"...

I am a fishing guide on weekends for the tourist trade and during the week I am in heavy underground construction...

I hope all well...



Submitted 1 November 2010, at 18:36:45

William H. Lefferts
Years: 66-70;  Class of 1970

I have fond memories of my time at Windham even though I didn’t form many friendships. I didn’t tolerate dorm life well and lived in a variety of secluded/reclusive residences (trailers and rooms on farms).

I’m thankful for the instructors who passed me when I didn’t give them much justification for doing so. Windham abroad in France was most memorable.

Since 1970, I’ve served in the Army (Germany mainly), and taught in many settings, e.g. private boarding, Job Corps, county correction facilities, public vocational and local high schools.

I’m happily on my second marriage with a combined family of 5 children and 11 grandchildren.

I currently live in a log home in the woods in Woodstock, CT. With the kids gone, my wife and I care for a variety of animals e.g. mini horses, ducks, chickens, dogs, cats and rabbits.

I plan to retire in two years and then I’m open to travel and unknown adventures.


Submitted 24 October 2010, at 13:57:41

Rick Minchenberg
Years: 72-74

just found the site, wow many years ago. anyone remember me? if so please get back.



Submitted 8 October 2010, at 21:55:47

Anne (Finger) Taylor
Years: 67-71;  Class of 1971

This is a message from Bill Taylor. I happened to stumble on this site.

My wife Anne was a graduate of Windham, class of 1971. She passed away in January 2009.

If someone else has already posted this message, please accept my apologies.


Submitted 8 October 2010, at 12:50:33

Leonard Hamburger
Years: 60-65



Submitted 11 September 2010, at 14:17:40

Kevin Sprague
Years: 68-70

Kevin Sprague, from Newburgh, NY

Attended Windham College 1968-70

Lived in Colebrook, NH; Island Pond, VT; Plattsburgh, NY; and now reside in Saratoga Springs, NY

B.S. Lyndon State College
M.S. SUNY Plattsburgh
M.S.W. Adelphi University

Worked in Social Work/ Mental Health for 30 yrs. Retired in 2008, and loving retirement!

Divorced; great relationship with former wife, Sandy; one daughter, Emily, 29 yrs. old. She is married to her grad school boyfriend from Turkey; they live in NYC and work in survey research.

Still playing guitar; in two bands' give guitar lessons; direct a chorus; drum circles; do youth counseling in Indian Lake, NY, twice a month.

Would love to hear from alumni.

ph# 518-584-7215


Submitted 5 September 2010, at 19:46:07

Alison (Mettler) Wilson
Years: 72-75

I married Stephen Wilson class of 1977 and we had two baby girls after I graduated from Syracuse with a B.S. in dietetics..We have been divorced for about 16+ years now.

Ashley our oldest, just got married last june and Katelin commutes from Manasquan to Edison everyday. I don't know how she does it..

I lost a very good office job after 8 and 1/2 years due to downsizing and have now entered the retail life. I work at Ann Taylor Loft at the Tinton Falls Outlet in NJ. It certainly is not something I've been striving to pursue, but it's a job for the time being.

We are all doing great. It is wonderful to live so close to the ocean!

I hope I didn't miss alot of fun at the reunion! Getting weekends off, is next to impossible.

Hope to talk to some of you guys soon!

Alison Mettler Wilson


Submitted 4 September 2010, at

Susanne (Varsa) Moore
Years: 58-60; Class of 1960

I’m looking to get in touch with Windham College graduates from the years 1958-1962.

Please contact me.



Submitted 2 September 2010, at 13:34:21

Carolyn Russ
Years: 72-73

Lived in Chumley during my year at Windham; transferred to BU.

I live in Cambridge, MA with my husband Ted, have a 22 year old son who graduated this year from University of Toronto.

Mostly retired from my career in communications environmental services and enjoy spending time on our boat on the Cape.

I had a great year at WIndham and remember it fondly.


Submitted 25 August 2010, at 16:58:25

Albert H. Hunker
Years: 65-69  '69

I have lived in the area (Westminster) for 41 years and actually owned the old Claiborne dormitory for some years.

This location was used for a computer software company that I founded and is still going strong from another location in Vermont.


Submitted 24 August 2010, at 01:01:47

E. W. "Bill" Stetson, III
Years: 71-73

Hi. I will be attending the reunion.

Though mostly in DC these days (my wife is Finance Chair for the President and I advise EPA), I am at our Norwich home.

Howie Kaplan and I are meeting at the Putney Inn at 7 Friday (I think there is a reception?), where we will have dinner and meet up with Sarah Evans Brown, John Cahan and other friends.

Hope to see you.




Submitted 21 August 2010, at 08:22:47

Linda Fillipi (Lily)
Years: 69-72

It's been a long, long time since the last post! Marianna is all grown up, a senior in high school and off to music college next year, although we don't know exactly where just yet....Oberlin, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Berklee College of Music, Acadia, Dalhousie...

We live in Tunbridge again, after 4 years on the coast of Maine.

All my best to everyone and hope to hear from Harry Gross!!!


Submitted 20 August 2010, at 16:24:07

David Cohen
Years: 70-72  Class of '72

I wish I had known about this reunion before today. It is too late to attend.

I read that Martha Kantor is the keynote speaker. When I was the Owner/Publisher of Metro Newspapers and Silicon Valley Community Newspapers (Cupertino Courier in her case), I knew Martha very well. Please, if you are able to, tell her I said hello and I regret missing her talk. I am also good friends with her assistant, Hal Plotkin, who used to work for our newspaper company. I realize this is a long shot, but, so much in life is.

Thanks very much.

David Cohen

San Jose, CA


Submitted 12 August 2010, at 17:12:53

William Hatch
Years: 72-75,  Class of '75

OK, The last ten years have been rather timultuous. Two divorces and a third marrage. (third time is the charm).

I now live in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts.

I participated in the election of a Republican to fill the Late Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat. I did afterall miss Woodstock and Viet Nam so this was an event.

I'm looking forward to the reunion at the PI Friday the 27.



Submitted 10 August 2010, at 20:21:18

Charles D. Barnes
Years: 67-71,  Class of '71

I have now lived in Northeastern Minnesota for 14 years. You can find me in Facebook under Pastor Chuck Barnes.

I have 3 adult children all over the world. My youngest Ben is living in Japan and teaching English as a second language, My oldest Paul is working for a law firm in Columbus Ohio, and my daughter just moved to Leeds England to be married in October.

We lived in the reported Coldest Spot in Minnesota. No it isn't Frostbite Falls which resembles tundra.


Submitted 29 July 2010, at 11:29:40

Chuck Hutin
Years: 61-65

Hi to all Windham Grads.

Years have passed since I updated my news. After graduation, I worked for IBM and then went to Xerox for 30 years...retired in 1995.

I was a bachelor for 40 years until I met my wife, Marlena. We have 3 grown children,Sandy, Charles and Chris. We are now Grandparents of a baby girl, Lily,who is 3 months old today, July 29,2010.

We would love to hear from anyone--Dallas address is: 7210 Crooked Oak Dr., Dallas,Tx 75248.

TELEPHONE- 972-931-5259, CELL-214-298-2022.


Submitted 25 July 2010, at 15:54:17

Melanie Neichin
Years: 69-70

Hi Everyone--

I am now a photojournalist. Hope all my friends are well.


Submitted 24 June 2010, at 17:28:14

Jack Millar
Years: 67-68

Just one of the " CRANFORD " guys looking to reconnect !!!


Submitted 23 June 2010, at 16:02:46

Raymond Mannino
Years: 67-70  Class of '70

I have been in Greenville, South Carolina since '82.

Relocated with an apparel manufacturer but now with automotive harness company.

This August will be married 40 years. We have one married daughter, an alum of West Virginia University, living in Florida.

I am in touch with Jesse Levine and Laurie Silver.

Would like to hear from fellow Windhamites. E-mail is

I misplaced contact info for Buzz Griffin; would appreciate if someone has it.

Y'all come and visit a spell. Please repeat in a NYC accent which is still with me!


Submitted 13 June 2010, at 14:24:02

Susan C. Smith
Years: 68-70  Class of '70

Just retired last school year,(June,'09) after 38 years teaching elementary school.

Moved to the wonderful state of Maine,where I've always wanted to live.

A dream come true!


Submitted 17 June 2010, at 12:17:59

Noah Katz
Years: 70-74  Class of '74

Enjoying life! . . .The Windham years are a major chapter in the book.

Have made my home Boston since 1976.

Career in geriatric socialwork with the state DEPT. of Elder Affairs and then the for-profit Nursing Home Industry.

Retired/reinventing the last three years; involved as volunteer with LEGAL SERVICES and two non-profit elder health groups.



Submitted 18 June 2010, at 14:38:04

Neale Ainsfield
Years: 68-79  Class of '70

Employed with U. S. Civil Service Commission/Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in Washington, DC from 1970 until retirement in 2008.

Last 25 years served as legal advocate for OPM, defending adverse decisions on Federal retirement claims before the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Married, in 1984, to Dr. Donna Sieckmann, a medical researcher for the Department of the Navy.

Adopted a six-month-old Russian girl in 1992. Have a granddaughter, born in February 2009.

Live in Vienna, VA.


Submitted 9 June 2010, at 20:13:47

Burt Cohen
Years: 69-72;  Class of '72

I need help remembering...

Who was that poli-sci prof, at Windham a short time 70-71. Very inspiring, students listened outside the classroom that was in the middle of the third floor.

What was his name?

I am writing a book and I need this name!!


Burt Cohen

see this website for more
The Burt Cohen Show


Submitted 23 May 2010, at 15:10:18

Arthur E. Coates
Years: 69-73;  Class of '73

Still in Grafton, VT since '73.

Have had three different mailing addresses without having moved.

Widowed last December after 31 wonderful years with Kristin (Keefe) class of '75.


Submitted 22 May 2010, at 07:38:49

Tim Voight
Years: 68-72;   Class of '72

I was directed to this site by Barbara Ranzau Taylor who is helping to organize the upcoming reunion.

Reading through these posts is like strolling down that covered walkway between the admin and science buildings...pass the hat and we'll get something to drink so the band will play! It does seem like yesterday, even though the 72's are turning 60 this year.

I married Debbie Wing ('73) right after graduation and had two wonderful kids. Both are graduated now and gainfully employed paying their own rent/health ins! We divorced in 1999 and I remarried just last year.

I've been living in Rutland [VT], Proctor [VT] and most recently split between South Burlington (VT) and Sarasota FL. I've run an employee owned retirement plan accounting firm for over 30 years. The business has been interesting and provided a good opportunity for my partner and our associate employees.

Landmark College is one of our clients, and I have to say it is an incredible rush of memories to revisit the place where so much happened to us. I'll definitely be attending the reunion this summer and look forward to seeing some old faces and some new ones too!

Thanks to those who are keeping the site alive. Drop me a line if my name rings a bell.


Submitted 2 May 2010, at 04:16:02

Cathy (Rothert) Frankfurter
Years: 66-70;  Class of '70

We are about to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversay!!! I married the most wonderful man in the world, Bill Frankfurter, (class of '69), and we STILL live in Vermont!!! The greatest place!!!

We live in a lovely old farmhouse with a waterfalls in our back yard. It's simply heaven, like my life has been with Bill.

For photos go to:


Submitted 2 May 2010, at 05:05

William Frankfurter
Years: Class of '69

Greetings from Vermont!

I hope this finds you well. Cathy (Rothert class of 1970) my wife, and I, are doing great, still living in Vermont. We are about to celebrate our 40th anniversary...what an incredibly happy life we have shared together after meeting in class at Windham College!!!! Thank God Cathy had just gotten out of a rotten relationship with a real loser when I sat down next to her in class. We knew from our very first date together that we would spend the rest our lives together!!! Wow, what a life it has been!!!

A couple years ago, I wanted to get back in touch with one of my old room mates and dear friend Dick Nopper, so I googled him. I knew that he had started a boat business down in the New Bedford, MA area years ago, so I figured that I would find his business listing and contact him from there. Much to my surprise and great sadness I came upon his obituary [see "In Memorium" page]. I was in total shock, Dick was like an older brother to me at Windham College. He returned home just before he would have graduated and wound up finishing his degree at UMass.

Do you remember his blue 1958 chevy convertible? Dick was an incredibly nice guy, and I am sorry sorry to be the one to tell you of his passing. I loved him like a brother. I told Terry Jenkins who was also in shock. We all lived together at Bissell House. We had the best time together.

Even though Dick didn't graduate from Windham, he certainly was a huge part of those wonderful years in the mid to late 60's at Windham College. I thought you might want to post his obituary [see "In Memorium" page] for other friends who knew and loved him like we did.

With my warmest regards,
Bill Frankfurter - Class of 1969


Submitted 29 April 2007, at 20:38:27

Robin (Schram) Fogelson
Years: 74 - 76

Hi y'all.

I live in Burbank, California where I am HR manager for a very cool company which does closed captions for TV and movies. I also still write plays and have taught playwriting.

I just got married this summer--eloped with my boyfriend of 14 years as a 50th birthday treat. After all that time together it doesn't change anything, but the gifts were awesome--it's great to have a complete set of Fiestaware at last!


Submitted 21 August 2007, at 09:54:26

Dr. Zinaida (Sapankevych) Wlodkowski
Years:  60 - 64

I recently retired after 30 years of university teaching. I am currently professor emerita and am enjoying time with my family and friends.

My experiences at Windham decades ago bring pleasant memories. I am grateful to many faculty members who encouraged me to pursue graduate education. My M.A. and Ph.D. are from N.Y.U..


Submitted 18 March 2007, at 19:10:06

Robert Langan
Years: 71 - 73

Never thought I would work for the Federal Government for 30+ years all in Washington DC.

Am married with two girls 15 and 18. Oldest will start college in the fall - not sure where but it will be in the south! No cold weather lovers with my two!

Still have my old Windham athletic shirt - wish it still fit as well as it used to, but we all change. But I did buy a new blue one. If you see some "old" guy in it in the DC area say Hello!


Submitted 21 February 2007, at 11:14:51

Steve Fischer
Years:  68 - 72

Doing well in Cambridge Mass and on Martha's Vineyard.

Anyone know what happened to Hobart Clark or Nancy Hellriegel?

I see a few Windhamites - Jack galt, Jonathan Waters, Allen Whiting.


Submitted 18 February 2007, at 01:02:37

Tom Upton
Years:  71 - 73

Tom Upton here,

Still alive and well in Menlo Park CA. 30 miles south of San Francisco.

I am a commercial and art photographer, remember, I am the guy you got the darkroom key from.

Got married twice. The second marriage yielded two offspring, so yes I went nuclear.

Come and visit me at

Love to hear from anyone who lived in Chumley in 71 and 72.



Submitted 14 February 2007, at 23:57:20

Nancy Friedman-Cohen
Years: 1973 - 1976

I live in New Jersey with my husband, Henry of 26 years, my Aussie, Babe, and have two kids, ages 20 and 23. The youngest in the School of Visual Arts in NYC and my oldest is starting the Psychiatric Nurse Practicioner Masters Program at Columbia in May. Chip off the old block.

I have been practicing psychotherapy and run a Parent Advocacy Center for Special Needs Children since the 80s. I am also still doing my art and music and loving it. Am back in school for a masters in art therapy. Maybe set up my own open studio for creativity. Any art therapists out there?

I am looking to reconnect with anyone in the class of 1975 and 76. Can't seem to find the following classmates and would love to email with you if you see this note:
John Hendry, Annie Bolton, Bonnie Chadis, Chris Rollins, Bruce Bemis, Jill Glassmith, and others.




Submitted 3 February 2007, at 16:26:05

Diane M. Orelup
Years: 71 - 75

Hi all-

I'm still out here in the Maine woods, enjoying life and the peaceful environment. When I'm tired of the quiet, it's a quick drive into Portland, which has clubs, restaurants, film etc etc.

Right now, I could use a little assistance. Has anyone a clue of the whereabouts of Nick CsergoeMerkl, Windham Class of 1976? I've had no luck with the usual channels, and would appreciate any and all news. You can email me at, or call me at 207-657-6077.

Thanks and best wishes........Diane


Submitted 25 January 2007, at 13:52:19

ED Matys
Years:  68 - 70


Following Windham embarked on newspaper careers finalizing with founding and later selling New Mass. Media, publisher of Valley, New Haven, Hartford and Valley Advcage (and Fairfield) newspapers. Bought new orleans weekly and later moved to Los Angeles for some years inlcuding some new2spapers there and founding marketing director for Recording Artists Against Drunk Driving RADD.

Now living in Austin TX.

Would love to hear from all at Windham including especially those I knew well at Windham which to me was a magical and incrediable place (where else could I sit and get paid for consulting with Alan Funt, be onthe bench with taj mahal and lots of other interesting people, talk with itriguing federally involved people and learn a lot and get t aught and have biweekly diners with JIrving etc. plus lots of other folks I hold veyr dear to this day and would love to hear from.

PS> loved at the time changing the name from lion's roar to free press but in retrospect wished had not.



Submitted 13 January 2007, at 08:09:06

Donna Spadafora
Years:  68 72

Hello fellow Windham and Putney friends. I have been living in Naples, Florida for the past 14 years and dearly miss the mountains.

Caught up with Dave Shirley last week after 36 years and he gave me this website. I have one of my own at

Would love to find John Levett and Greg Dickerson if anyone knows their email addresses.

Donna Spadafora


Submitted 12 January 2007, at 10:04:47

David Shirley
Years: 1967 -1970

It's been a while since I updated my information. I saw Donna Spadafora over this past weekend, after more than 36 years. It was terrific to see her and she is doing well. A couple of years ago, I also got to see Patricia (Patty) Intile and Mary Ellen Hoffman, and keep in touch. It was also good to see them after so many years.

Judi an I have moved permanently to Maine where she is working for Stonewall Kitchen and I am teaching grad school, writing, and other stuff, like project managing a big renovation of our house. Our mailing address is now P.O. Box 277, Cape Neddick, ME 03902 and phone is 207-363-5492.

Love to hear from folks, and always have room if you're traveling in the area, especially after April when the renovation is scheduled to complete.


Submitted 11 January 2007, at 19:06:34

Rebecca (Thomas) DeMarco
Years:  73-76

I'm married & Living in Rochester,NY.. have 3 kids..Still doing art,running a small hotel on one of the finger lakes...glad to have stumbled on this website,trying to get in touch with any fellow alums from my era?


Submitted 31 December 2006, at 09:31:51

Jane MacRae
Years:  72-76

1. I was married and divorced twice; 2 children, 1 girl, 26 years old and 1 boy, 17 years. My daughter is a corporate Attorney in Manhattan and recently married my new son-in-law. Her undergraduate work was at Johns Hopkins and law school at Vill anova; graduating lst in her class. My son is a boarding school high school student at The George School, Newtown, PA and VP of Student Council, Varsity football, baseball, track team. I must stop feeding the boy; he is 6'4.5" at 280 lbs. Both of my children actually turned out to be quite excellent human beings; full of introspection, heart, laughter and a clear view of what's really important in this life.. I believe I did okay for bringing them up alone..:))

2. I have an M.Ed in Health Management and never used it to make a living; looks great on the bathroom wall..I am a corporate Recruiting Manager of 19 years and prior to that a wandering minstrel in a very distinguished side show! (not really although i t feels like it...)

I have gone through alot since Windham and now feeling the empty nest and started to recall my Windham College days...I hope to reconnect with some people there soon!

Happy New Year 2007 to everyone.......


Submitted 30 December 2006, at 17:10:20

Arlynn Hacker
Years: 72-76

Hi folks,

It was great to see everyone at the last reunion. It had been 20 yrs since I had visited.

After Windham it was a toss up between Physical Therapy or counseling. When I found out that I'd have to take physics& calculus to get into PT school the choice was clear. I moved to Northampton,Mass where I got my MEd in counseling After a few years of being a grant gypsy I realized that I was headed for retirement as a bag lady if I didn't find something more stable. So I bit the bullet & went back to take those dreaded prereqs. Dispite all odds they let this Windham student in to Beaver College outsi de of Philly. An internship sent me to Michigan. I ended up working for the Ann Arbor VA hospital for 18yr. I transfered to the Grand Rapids outpatient VA for close to 2yrs. A change from a wonderful boss to a micromanger prompted me to tranfer again. I started at the Boise Idaho VA 10/30/06. So far its been great. Boise is high desert. The mountains are beautiful. There is a wonderful nature trail 22 miles along the Boise River where bald eagles winter. I've seen 2 of them practically out my apartment window.

With all this working,educationing& nearly 10 yrs of caring for 2 frail elderly parents there has been much time for finding a partner. All that now has past. There is a lot of adventures awaiting.

Hope to hear from some of you folk. Does anyone know what happened to the former Lisa Newhouse? She was my old roommate.


Submitted 11 December 2006, at 03:01:00

Julie L. Hatch
Years:  1976-1978

Dear Sirs;

I used to attend Windham College from 1976 - 1978.

I am trying to locate an old friend whose email address I lost when my old computer quit. My name is Julia Hatch. My friend's name is James Donnellon. If there is anyway that you could help me, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Julia L. Hatch


Submitted 21 November 2006, at 09:38:00

Ambrose M. Matelski
Years:  72/73

I had heard that Windham closed it's doors in the late 1970's. While broowsing during a break at work, I was astonished to find that it's doors have reopened as a new and different institute. The pictures of the campus have touched me unexpectedly with nostalgia. My experiences at Windham were not good at all and the main reason I survived was due to weekly sessions which I had with Dr. Kotkov. He was a superlative therapist and I found him very effective in helping me to survive being the scape goat and general outcast among that group of hippie/students attending the school. I am glad that he is still doing well.

Are there any pictures of what used to be called Dorm 5? That is where I lived while attending the school. During my stay, we had one young student found dead in the snow after taking what he thought was a downer at a party the night before. This would have been the winter of 1972/73. The word was spread arond the dorms that the local police were goping to have a surprise inspection of the campus that following saturday night. We were all told to have anything incriminating available to be disposed of at a moments notice if word came around. I also recall finding a couple of the men of my dorm yelling to scare a girl who was having a bad trip in the nurses station in the basement of Dorm 5. I grew to be very disillusioned about the supposed love generation while attending Windham.

There were a few positive elements to my stay there. One was a fellow student named Paul Reps, who actually was my advocate for a while, before I became too much of a social risk to him. He tried.

Anyway; I remember ski races on Windhams ski slope which involved drinking measured ammounts of beer. I assume that such behaviour would not be allowed today. All the better.

There were two dorms nestled away from the rest of the campus--one of which was named Charlie. The artistic and wilder students tended to inhabit these buildings.

I also recall being enthralled by The Windham Trio performances from time to time. They were comprised of professors from the music department.

Two bands which later achieved great fame and are now considered classic performed in the fieldhouse while I was there. The Mahavishnu Orchestra and Earth Wind and fire went on to become well known in jazz and funk music, respectively.

There was a study room in the basement of Dorm 5 with a cozy fireplace. I wrote much music there during the winter.

I also recall the record/listening room of the library with it's beautifull old tube sound system--and while walking down any dorm hallway you were sure to hear either a selection from "Who's Next", "The Allman Brothers Band", "Led Zeppelin 4" (particularly "Stairway to Heaven") or "The Edgar Winter Group".

I also recall sitting on the upper porch of dorm 5 deep into the night. Looking at distant headlights pass on some distant road was a quiet and meditative experience.

I recall only a few names from that period--Rick Alexander, Peter Allen (not the entertainer who was popular in the 1980's), Tom Ely, Ron Arden and as I mentioned previously, Paul Reps.

Windham made an impression upon me for life. I left before my 4 years were finished and have never regretted it. The conservative, focused and academically driven students whom I encountered while studying Electronics Engineering years later possessed more warmth and acceptance of this nurdish guy than the liberal attendees of Windham. was a large chunk of my late youth which I spent there--and the truths which I learned about human nature while there have stayed with me--they are profound and have been crucial to my growth.

I am glad that there is a new school inhabiting those buildings and there iis hope that what lives there today is an improvement over what was there in that distant past of my memories.

Yours truly;
Ambrose Matelski


Submitted 17 November 2006, at 16:06:30

David Cohen
Years: 70-72

I just recently stumbled upon this web site. How nice.

I am currently living in San Jose, CA and am Publisher/CEO of Silicon Valley Community Newspapers. You can check our web site at for further information in Bio.

I sold my company in 2005 to Knight Ridder Inc. though I have stayed on in the publishers capacity.

I have two sons. One a software engineer living in San Francisco and the other a budding photographer living in NYC. I have been married to Barbara for almost 27 years.

Windham brings back fond, fun memories.



Submitted 12 October 2006, at 20:18:06

Peter Finch
Years:  1969 - 1973

Since May 2004, back with Amtrak in CT, working on movable bridge projects.

Both daughters have graduated UCONN and gainfully employed.

Still hikin, bikin, and skiin.

e-mail:  FFinchP@SNET.Net

Submitted 11 October 2006, at 12:49:06

Michael J. Spencer
Years: 62-65

I have not thought of Windham College for several years now, while going through some old stuff that had been packed away found my "Windham Walker" hiking boots, old sweatshirt, new t-shirt, and trophy for the walker trip that I took. Brought ba ck old fond memories of college days.

Have been retired from the Baltimore City Public School system for 10 years now (put in 30 year as a science teacher, department head, and VP.) Also retired (as 1/1/06) from my corp. that my partner and I started 25 years ago. The corp. taught First Aid and C.P.R. for any body that needed the training. Had a catering business for a little while and have retired from that as well.

Am still married to the same wonderful woman, it will be 40 years this December. Have one son, now 35, that lives in Jones Creek, Texas. He has 2 children Jessica aged 18 and a son Timothy aged 13. I have a "little" Texas spread - about one-half acre.

I am currently teaching for the Baltimore County Community College in their Adult Education Dept. as an instuctor in math (for those that failed the math entrence exam as well as for those that want to get their GED.) This keeps me off the streets, out of my wifes hair, and give me some extra spending money other than my social security and pension.

As for other activities that I am engaged in: I fly an airplane with the owner of the plane, belong to the Experimental Aviation Assoc. SCUBA dive ( only in warm, clear water), still involved with the Boy Scouts, on the district and council level, am an avid collector of scout patches.

To all of you out there stay well and enjoy. Would love to hear from other "old" Windhamites.


Submitted 19 August 2006, at 02:50:21

Laura (Saltzman) Trazzi
Years: 1971-75

Have been living in Baltimore, Maryland since 1977 when I graduated from U of Md with a Masters in Social Work.

Have worked in the Health Field ever since and currently work as the Patient Advocate at a hospital in Towson, Md.

I have been married for 13 years to Damon Trazzi, an attorney and have a 12 year old son Daniel (with curly hair of course} and also have 3 cats,several lizards and a few toads and a turtle.

I hear from Diane Orelup now and then but would love to hear from Geoff Meyer, Lyn Stallings and the old Tennyson House Gang.

Sad news - Andrea Hess died of lung cancer a few years ago - We kept in touch and visited each other on a regualr basis. She came to my wedding and at that time was beautiful and healthy. I miss her wit and wisdom.

Also ran into Professor Richard Carter as he was in the hospital where I was working. Small world!     He told me Ray Devantier was killed in a car crash - he performed the eulogy.

I hope to get to Putney to show my family the sights and eat some great curtis ribs and chicken. I have many great memories and would love to hear from those who remember me.

Also, anyone in the Baltimore area, send me an E mail.


Submitted 7 August 2006, at 16:53:47

Barbara Allen-Thomas
Years: 1976-79

Hey, I hope many of the folks who were at Windham to the end remember me.

I am looking for some of these folks. If anyone knows where the following people are, please let me know and/or give them my email address. I moved back to Brattleboro for peace and it was a good move so far (Smile):

Julie Hatch           David Mitchell        Dave Cowles,
Curtis Wheeler     Jean Bracey         Steve Petnick

          (most of us worked in the caferteria).

I have plenty more folks, but will stop for now. These people were all Windhamnites.  We have lost track of one another.


Submitted 24 July 2006, at 20:51:12

David E. Hood   "Dave"
Years: 61-66

I've recently retired from a 37 year banking career and we're living in the mountains of North Carolina with a magnificent view of the Smokey Mountains.

Dave and Terry Hood
80 Tree Top Lane
Waynesville, NC 28785


Submitted 2 July 2006, at 19:32:36

Jeff Baker
Years: 68-70

My wife and I spent the weekend in Chesterfield, NH and visited the old Windham campus (currently Landmark College). What memories we have from those days.

We were able to locate an old classmate and fellow Claiborne resident, Ian Eddy.

It was great seeing him again after 36 years.

We wish all the Windham alumni good health, long life and peace.


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